
Hi, my name is Matthew, the creator of HealthyLiger. In this blog, we explore the powerful connection between public health, environmental sustainability, and collective action against climate change. My mission is to empower you with knowledge and practical tools to make eco-conscious choices that benefit your health and the planet. From reducing toxic environmental exposures to adopting sustainable living practices, this blog is your guide to a healthier, greener lifestyle.

What is a Healthy Liger?

A Healthy Liger is someone who symbolizes elements of both the lion and tiger. In spirituality, the lion and the tiger are representative of the Sun and the Moon. It represents the guiding light of citizens collectively to positively influence future government policies while staying respectful but independent of the established systems others depend on to meet their needs.

Mission Statement

Collectively, we must be leaders in the fight against climate change. We must realize the fact there is a link between the pollution that causes climate change and our quality of life as well as that of the animal kingdom. It affects not only the rates of natural disasters but the rates of epidemics affecting all life on this planet. The way this is accomplished is by not only achieving energy independence for our homes but also using natural remedies to support our health. From trying natural herbs and supplements to meditation and energy healing, these prevention methods should reduce our dependence on pharmaceuticals that are being produced with energy sources that pollute our environment.


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I am an American public health expert with a Masters degree in public health (MPH) from University of West Florida. I have worked for a Fortune 500 company and prescription benefit manager (PBM) for over a year. Finally, I have personal struggles with autoimmune disease and was physically disabled for a long time. With these life experiences, I have learned that prevention of disease is possible and attainable to all.